If only we’d left catty jealousy behind in high school. But alas, little green monsters appear throughout our lives and especially as we plan our weddings. After all, nothing inspires jealousy quite like a celebration of true love.

If you find yourself faced with jealousy rather than joy, here are tips to nip it in the bud.

Don’t feed the little green monster.
Simply don’t feed it! No crumbs — nothing!  Jealousy will only continue to rear its ugly head. Instead, starve it and kill it with kindness. Do not let your snarky friend, co-worker or anyone else rain on your parade. It is not your job to fix them.

Consider it’s not you, it’s them.
Weddings are a celebration of the most amazing thing in the world — and if someone can’t be happy about that, there’s something seriously wrong. Their jealousy is most likely not about you or your wedding. Try to be understanding because they may have something else going on in their life. That, or it’s just who they are.

Look in the mirror.
Are you flaunting a $10,000 wedding gown on social media? While you still don’t deserve anyone’s jealous and hurtful comments, turning down the “my wedding is more amazing than yours” posts, tweets and photos might also tone down the jealousy spit in your direction.

Turn to your parents.
Jealous sibling? It could be time for your parents to step in. A parent needs to be the parent — not the friend who is afraid of their child. You need to bite the bullet and have a conversation with your child that they cannot ruin his or her sibling’s wedding by being jealous.